Friday, 18 February 2011

And Today's Lesson is...

So, after some internet searching I found the tutorial on how to take apart a Glade Automatic Airfreshener:
But I learnt more than I was expecting too:
ONE: If you do this:

To a product only to find that what is inside isnt exactly what you wanted, Wilkinson WILL NOT REFUND YOU. Lukily though the main circit is exacly what I wanted but the power source and actuators are not what Iwas looking for still its was a fiver and I now have a ready fabricated PIR sensor. Somthing tht would cost me arounf £12 from Maplins.
PIR is on the left.

TWO: When testing unknown circuts ITS IS NOT a good idea to plug them in and then try and work out how they work, through poking and little or maybe a lot of proding.

THREE: 34p for terminal blocks! Wilkinsons ftw.


Inspired by this artical:
Musical Rope Sculpture
I've got a new idea for a switch, and am working on designs for a human/ computer interface that will resemble a harp.

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