Monday, 4 April 2011

Developments, Devlopement and Devlopers

Ok generally I feel the design is done, all I need to do is source the materials, the gloves will not take a long time to put together so that is done.

I have decided (for now) to stick to reed switches and magnets as my primary switches.

Where I am now stuck is on the tracking of movement, I have in my mind 3 options.

1: Repurpose a mouse, either roller ball or optical, and then move the sensor (or ball) and buttons to other areas of the glove, the pros for this is it allows me to keep the mouse buttons, and the technology is fairly cheap. Cons, the technology is cheap but fairly large, so some of the dexterity of the device will be lost. I can only have mouse control. (This sounds like a weird thing to say but bare with me)

The link that supports this:

2: Repurpose old game console analogue controls, the good thing about this is that I can use this as a switch and can be hooked in to the Ipac2 and attached to the W, A, S, D controls, and also be given a second level of control through the Ipac2 "Shift" command, maybe adding functional controls like Alt+ Tab window switching (using the analogue click and a directional control to change the main window, allowing control over a computer as well as a game. I am also hoping that I can switch out this control to replace an optical mouse, so that I can have "console" controller functionality without the need for a full pad.

Inspiration for this idea:

3: Use Webcam video tracking through freeware systems like FreeTrack this will allow me to use a hand or even the head to track movement, I could even use colour to have one hand track one move and one hand track the other, the best thing about this is it would let me show motion and gesture controls along with my tactile control system. The major issue here is that although the software is good, the learning curve for me is steep I will need to learn how to implement this into software as well as hardware.

Anyway two links for this:

And this is a very cool instructable:

I’ll put this to Facebook and I expect most likely you will have got here through my Facebook link, but I would like some ideas on what to show this with, at first I wanted to build a simple maze or something for people to explore, but with the time that I have I think that this will be very poor in quality. SO if people could comment with games they think would be fun to play at the show using my system, unfortunately they do have to be PC or Mac games, I would prefer them to be something like an FPS or a really big RPG the more buttons the better! But also if your developing a game and you would like to work together in the sense that at the show we will hook your game up to my control system I’d be happy to talk about that too.

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